Kingdoms by the sea. Kudos to you if you know the reference (if you don't know, go find it out). But there is more to the name than allusion. When I write (or you, for that matter), we create something, a kingdom of words written into an epic story or a poignant poem or a technical manual––whatever it ends up being. But it's all there, put down in words––something to hold on to, to fight for (take that, plagiarists!), and to make a home in. A small country where your thoughts can reside and have nationalistic feelings. That is what this blog is for––to create new city-states of words and thoughts. It is to practice being a writer.
But what is with the sea part of the title? I still find it a little confusing. The sea is a picture of everything. It creates, it destroys, contains most of life, vast amounts of death but in the end is completely, intractably mysterious. Plus, it's got a plethora of small kingdoms of its own, separated by water's pressure. The ocean is the least-known place on Earth; as such it draws me, as it always has, and, I suspect, always will. Sailing the deep is a lot like writing: you can get lost pretty easily. I've done it (though not on a physical boat), and it is a relief to finally get back on course, finding some landmark mountain peak knobbing out of the waves. Sometimes you only find it by keeping your sails taut and not doubling back and changing course.
So, that's what I'm here for. Writing, and learning how to become a better writer. Practice makes something (if not perfection, then hopefully some still-intriguing stuff). Some of what I post may be brief thoughts, some may be stories, and I will certainly be writing poetry. Stay awhile and read.
Hi Elliot, I loved your post. Good job getting a blog started! When I heard "kingdom by the sea" I first thought of the poem "Annabel Lee" (one of the very few poems I have memorized in my life), but John thought it was referring to Narnia. Are either of us right?